Digital Community Gardens

Digital Community Gardens

Project title

Digital Community Gardens

It all starts with the share sheet. Users can share web pages, text, images, etc
It all starts with the share sheet. Users can share web pages, text, images, etc
Shared media can be repositioned and annotated with an Instagram stories like UI. Then it is saved to a “board”
Shared media can be repositioned and annotated with an Instagram stories like UI. Then it is saved to a “board”
Multiple ways to render boards. I imagine there are ones that are more visual and ones that are more textual
Multiple ways to render boards. I imagine there are ones that are more visual and ones that are more textual
A topic page. Reddit-like top and new sort, implies some way for users to vote on the boards they like
A topic page. Reddit-like top and new sort, implies some way for users to vote on the boards they like
One economic engine to promote the curation of knowledge. Communities crowdfund the creation of boards that matter to them.
One economic engine to promote the curation of knowledge. Communities crowdfund the creation of boards that matter to them.
Another economic model: Patreon/substack
Another economic model: Patreon/substack