

Project title



Omakase is an index of curated guides for every topic in the world.


  • It is hard to get an overview about a topic you just learned about
  • Google search for broad topics contain blog spam
  • Google search does not index "modern format" content where there is valuable information


  • Omakase contains a directory of topics that users can explore, at varying levels of granularity
  • Each topic page showcases the best content about that topic, including from books, newletters, tweets, podcast clips, and web pages.
  • Curators can create collections of resources that explore various facets of each topic.

Value Prop

  • Consumers: Learn about topics you’re interested in from experts in the field.
  • Curators: Showcase your expertise (??)

Success Metrics

  • Consumers: Engagement
    • Do users click around and explore the topic space?
    • Do users click through on the resources/collections within a topic?
  • Curators:
    • Do curators contribute new resources/collections?
    • Can we onboard interested curators for a variety (N = ?) new topics?

Distribution Channels

Promote relevant topic pages to users in various subcultures that are poorly indexed by Google. These are most likely communities on Reddit or Twitter.

Much later on, SEO could work on searches where there is a lot of blog spam.

A selection of Top 200 Subreddit with the most YoY growth


What is the story for users who are already pretty familiar with a topic? Do we optimize for them?

For fast moving industries, people rely on curation to keep up with news in the topic. See Morning Brew, most sub stack newsletters, Nuzzel, Matter, etc

Can we turn consumers into curators? How to avoid putting up artificial barriers between the two?