

Project title


Social Search


The knowledge about a topic is dispersed across a variety of sources: books, newletters, tweets, podcast clips, and web pages. It cannot be easily ranked algorithmically.

Issues with community management tools.


Treehouses are built with love and care — they serve as hangout spaces and cultivate conversations and great memories shared between friends. With Treehouse, we’ll aggregate content across various platforms and index them by topic. Close friends and tight-knit community groups form their own treehouses, and everything they create is surfaced on their page.


A treehouse shows an aggregated view of all its members’ content, from all the different services and formats.


Each member links their platforms so that the treehouse can aggregate the best of their content (or maybe only showcase their “close friends” content — stuff they pre-establish as being only available to a tighter knit group).


Within the treehouse, there can be smaller topic groups led by people that are most passionate about the subject. Members can join subgroups for any topics of their interest. (ideally each subgroup has a cozy feel, not a pretentious one)


Communities show appreciation for their favorite content and ideas through likes.


Since treehouses are invite-only collections created among friends, the members can customize their page to promote the latest collabs, events, and other initiatives they’re excited about.


Value Prop

Communities have a space where their ideas can flourish and be cultivated. Within these communities, there are smaller tight-knit groups led by people that are passionate about each subject.

Each community member has the opportunity to lead a space among other friends and establish themselves as an expert on a topic (while learning from friends that are experts in other topics).